About Us
Born in Telco, Raised in Aviation, Matured in Healthcare.
Diginext was born in 2001 as a technology partner for the Telco industry, leading the development of connectivity management and usage analysis applications. Through the years we have expanded into the Aviation and Healthcare industries. Our core competencies are amply demonstrated in countless software and mobile application development projects, using secure coding practices and the latest in AI/ML development.
We accelerate digital transformation. With people that promise less and deliver more. With teams built on collaboration and a shared passion. With a company that is loyal and expects loyalty in return.
Our core company values are: Excellence, Innovation, Agility, Integrity and Loyalty
We are the original inventors of the world standard for dynamic device connection to wireless networks. Patented in 2006 by our CEO and Founder Edsard Ravelli under WO2006096056A1
Coincidence is merely the absence of data or the inability to understand it.
Driven by a passion for people, business and all things tech
My passion in life is to help others actualise their potential.
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